Monday, August 2, 2010

My first baby turns 19 today!

This was what I was doing 19 years ago today! My sweet baby girl arrived at 8:05 AM via planned cesarean section (due to breech presentation). I can't believe that it was so long ago that she joined our family and turned Mike and I into parents. What a blessing this beautiful girl has been to us!

 Daddy Mike was in awe. He looked so sweet but scared holding this little tiny sweetheart who weighed in at 7 lb 6 oz.
Yep, only a few minutes old and sticking out her tongue at the camera already!

Where has the time gone? We were only 20 when we were blessed with this wonderful gift. We'd not had any time to figure out what all being married involved before we discovered we were expecting, but I wouldn't have it any other way!  We were on our own, two states away from our parents and friends, figuring out what it meant to depend on each other for love, companionship, friendship, understanding, ... you name it! And then we have this beautiful baby--our love grew many times over! We often look back at our first year together and thank God that He led us down the paths we took. And sometimes we wonder at how it all worked out, and thank God even more for the love He showered on us. I mean, WHAT were we thinking?! We got married at 19, moved far away from everybody, had a baby 3 weeks before our 1st anniversary--God's grace is the only answer we have!

This tiny baby has grown into a beautiful young women who is attending college to become an elementary school teacher. She blesses us every day with her love, humor, responsibility, silliness, and laughter. I look at her and can just cry--how did we ever deserve such a wonderful daughter.

I love you, my little teddybear!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Joyous times!

Guess what! We are going to have another baby! So far things are going very well. This little one's debut will be sometime around the first week of October. We are so excited for this tiny little person. The kids are all excited, though I think our second son is not tooooo sure about how he feels about getting used to a baby in the house. He has a few months to get used to the idea, though. I'm sure when the time comes, he will all set to be a great big brother (again).

So, this brings our household count up to 7 children! I never considered that we would have a "large family," but it is just so "right." Our kids have had wonderful experiences growing up in a large family. I am so proud of our older children--they are maturing into fine, responsible, giving adults. Our younger kids have the benefits of watching their older siblings and learning from them. We are truly thankful for all the wonderful family moments that we share.  Our oldest daughter is now a freshman in college. Her little brothers and sisters really miss her when she is gone. This week she is home on spring break--it's been such a treat to have everyone home under the same roof! It's so fun to watch the dynamics between all the kids--even when they are not having their most "stellar" moments.

Ah, this is such a joy-filled season. God bless you all! Happy Easter!